



Our diet unfortunately abounds in carbohydrates, which I believe most of us consume too much of.

While carbohydrates in the form of dietary fiber are welcome, carbohydrates in the form of sugar, including glucose, fructose, lactose, or sucrose, are one of the main causes of diet-related diseases.

Therefore, in order to balance the proportions of nutrients provided by food to some extent, I would like to encourage you to consume fatty products, especially those I presented in today’s compilation.

I think some people will be surprised by the many health benefits we can achieve by incorporating fatty products into our diet.

There are really a lot of them, and they can help many individuals, so I believe it’s worth reading this article to the end.

I would like this article to debunk the myth that all fatty products are unhealthy and that we should limit their consumption.

Non-fat cocoa

The list of fatty products today begins with unsweetened cocoa.

In addition to its relatively high content of magnesium and potassium, it is exceptionally rich in antioxidants in the form of polyphenols.

This combination of ingredients makes incorporating cocoa or dark chocolate into the diet beneficial.

I’m primarily referring to the reduction of blood pressure, alleviation of arterial stiffness, decreased risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke, improved blood flow to the gray matter of the brain, leading to enhanced brain function and protection against dementia, lowered blood glucose levels, and protection against diabetes.

Furthermore, compounds present in cocoa and dark chocolate have anti-inflammatory effects, alleviate symptoms of depression, and even exhibit prebiotic properties by nourishing beneficial bacteria in our intestines.

Fatty Sea Fish


Another important group of fatty food products includes fatty sea fish, and the first one is Atlantic herring.

It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which undeniably have a beneficial impact on the human body.

In addition to omega-3, herring is very rich in high-quality protein, selenium, potassium, and vitamin B12.

As for the health benefits of fatty sea fish, such as Atlantic herring containing omega-3, it primarily involves the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease, heart failure, atherosclerosis, and stroke, reduction of the risk of colorectal, liver, and lung cancer, alleviation of rheumatoid arthritis, slowing down muscle loss and weakness in older individuals, known as sarcopenia, prevention of dementia, strengthening of memory in both young and older individuals, as well as reducing depressive symptoms.

Furthermore, researchers have observed that high consumption of omega-3, which herring is rich in, can extend our lifespan by up to 5 years.

Atlantic mackerel

Among other valuable and fatty fish that it is good to occasionally include in our diet, there is Atlantic mackerel.

It also exhibits health benefits, as I mentioned earlier.

Compared to herring, it contains similar amounts of potassium, slightly more iron and selenium, three times more vitamin B3, or niacin, but 50% less vitamin B12. Therefore, if someone is not fond of herring, Atlantic mackerel will be a very good choice.


Another healthy option is sardines.

They contain even more iron, zinc, and potassium than the two fish species mentioned earlier.

They also have higher selenium content and a comparable amount of vitamin B12 as mackerel, but less than herring. Therefore, to diversify your diet and promote health, incorporating sardines will be beneficial.

Vegetable oils and their positive influence

Among fatty products, it is also worth paying attention to vegetable oils.

I understand that they may not be popular in some circles, but the health benefits of unrefined, unfiltered, and consumed raw oils are undeniable.

Olive Oil

I often mention olive oil, so here, in a brief summary, I will only say that besides valuable monounsaturated fatty acids, it also contains very valuable vitamins E and K.

Furthermore, its health-promoting properties are determined by polyphenols such as oleuropein and oleacein.

Olive oil is primarily a product that benefits individuals who want to take care of their cardiovascular system. This is because it lowers triglycerides and prevents the transformation of cholesterol into atherosclerotic molecules.

As a result, regular consumption of olive oil reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 27% and strokes by 26%.

Moreover, individuals who include it in their diet have a lower mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases.

Additionally, olive oil reduces the risk of breast, pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, and bladder cancer.

Furthermore, it reduces systemic inflammation, lowers fasting blood sugar levels, and has neuroprotective effects, promoting the formation of new connections between nerve cells, thus improving brain function.

It is worth knowing that when it comes to oils, one does not live by olive oil alone.

With all conviction, I can say that although it is a very valuable product, it is by no means irreplaceable.

Alternative Oils

Black seed oil

In order to improve one’s health, one can reach for black seed oil, for example.

This type of oil is renowned primarily for its strong anti-inflammatory properties, which it owes to the presence of a compound called thymoquinone.

Numerous studies have shown that the use of black seed oil reduces inflammation in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis and inhibits the activity of this disease, including alleviating joint pain, stiffness, and swelling.

A similar effect has been observed in patients with osteoarthritis.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, black seed oil is also known for its antihistaminic properties, which can benefit individuals dealing with allergies and asthma.

Research has shown that using this oil can alleviate the course of asthma, including reducing cough and wheezing, and even improving lung function.

Furthermore, in individuals with allergic rhinitis, black seed oil alleviates nasal congestion, itching, nasal mucosal congestion, as well as cough.

However, it is worth knowing that black seed oil, not just olive oil, also has a positive impact on the cardiovascular system.

In one of the recent studies from 2022, the authors observed that the discussed oil improves the functioning of blood vessels, including contributing to a beneficial increase in nitric oxide in the blood, which expands our arteries.

Additionally, black seed oil effectively lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure and is highly efficient in reducing triglyceride levels.

It has been found to reduce their concentration by up to 15 milligrams per deciliter.

Among other advantages of regularly consuming black seed oil, I can also mention the improvement in lung function in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a significant decrease in blood glucose levels, liver defatting, and improvement in fertility in men through increased semen volume, as well as increased sperm count and motility.

Moreover, black seed oil alleviates symptoms of indigestion, such as a feeling of fullness in the stomach, early satiety, upper abdominal pain, and nausea and vomiting.

How to use?

It is best to use black seed oil in a quantity of 1 teaspoon per day. To get accustomed to its taste, it can be gradually introduced, starting with a smaller portion.

To improve the taste, it can also be combined with raspberry puree, lemon juice, or a touch of elderflower syrup. Just saying 😉

Evening Primrose Seed Oil

Another interesting and equally valuable oil is evening primrose oil.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it contains a rather unique compound called gamma-linolenic acid.

It is this compound that makes evening primrose oil reduce joint pain and alleviate stiffness in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.

However, the health benefits of evening primrose oil go beyond that.

For example, it is highly effective in reducing triglyceride levels.

According to scientific literature, it can reduce triglycerides by as much as 37 milligrams per deciliter. Therefore, if you have elevated triglycerides, evening primrose oil would be an excellent choice.

Furthermore, evening primrose oil is attributed with preventive and supportive effects in the treatment of kidney stones, specifically calcium oxalate stones.

It is also worth noting that its high content of linoleic acid protects against coronary heart disease and reduces the risk of premature death from such causes.

Additionally, evening primrose oil improves the condition of the skin in various diseases.

For example, it alleviates symptoms of atopic dermatitis, such as itching, swelling, redness, and the formation of crusts.

Moreover, it reduces inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne lesions in individuals with mild to moderate acne.

In healthy individuals, it improves skin elasticity and firmness while reducing roughness.

To benefit from the health properties of evening primrose oil, it is good to consume it in a quantity of 1 teaspoon per day.

Such an amount can be divided, for example, into 2 servings and consumed throughout the day.

Sesame Oil

Among oils, it is also worth paying attention to sesame oil, which I feel is not talked about much, and if it is, it is rather in the context of it containing omega-6 fatty acids in the form of linoleic acid, which supposedly has a pro-inflammatory effect in a negative sense.

Here, just for clarification, I would like to mention that recent scientific studies do not confirm such adverse effects.

Moreover, an extensive analysis of research from 2021 shows that consuming sesame-based products contributes to a reduction in the level of interleukin-6, which is a pro-inflammatory molecule.

As for other health benefits, sesame oil gently lowers blood glucose levels, and its use leads to a reduction in the level of glycosylated hemoglobin, indicating that this oil exhibits positive long-term effects.

Additionally, sesame oil helps regulate blood pressure.

It contributes to a reduction in systolic blood pressure by 2.5 millimeters of mercury and a decrease in diastolic blood pressure by just under 2 units.

As an interesting fact, I will also mention that in a small study involving both men and women, the authors observed that sesame oil has an equivalent effect in improving lipid profile compared to olive oil, and it even shows higher effectiveness in reducing triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels.

All of this, as I have mentioned, only proves that sesame oil significantly improves our metabolic health.

In an experiment conducted on animals, researchers even noticed that its administration led to a significant reduction in atherosclerotic changes.

Linseed Oil

When it comes to oils, it is impossible not to mention flaxseed oil, which I recently recorded a separate episode about. In short, this oil is the best source of alpha-linolenic acid, one of the omega-3 fatty acids.

Additionally, it contains a remarkably valuable compound called gamma-tocopherol, which has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It protects our body from systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, which create an environment for the development of many diseases.

Scientific literature directly shows that regular consumption of flaxseed oil lowers the level of atherosclerotic small dense lipoproteins (sLDL), reduces triglyceride levels by as much as 11 milligrams per deciliter, helps lower blood pressure, reduces liver fat, protects against colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer, and, thanks to the aforementioned alpha-linolenic acid, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 10%.

Furthermore, due to all these health effects, incorporating 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil into your daily diet can reduce the risk of premature death by 25%, effectively extending our lifespan.

Based on this information, if you decide to use flaxseed oil, it is recommended to consume 1 or 2 tablespoons daily. It is important to note that the flaxseed oil you purchase should be freshly pressed shortly after placing the order and must be stored in the refrigerator both before and after opening.

Speaking of flaxseed oil, I must also mention the flaxseeds themselves, also known as linseeds. It is worth noting that the composition of the seeds slightly differs from the oil, as they contain smaller amounts of alpha-linolenic acid but are rich in dietary fiber and active compounds called lignans.

As a result, flaxseeds also offer many health benefits. Similar to flaxseed oil, regular consumption of flaxseeds protects the colon against the development of tumors, improves circulation, including lowering triglyceride levels and blood pressure, and enhances the functioning of a fatty liver, while also reducing fibrosis and steatosis of this organ.

Furthermore, flaxseeds have additional advantages, such as lowering fasting blood glucose levels, which is good news for people with diabetes. Additionally, scientists have confirmed that flaxseeds can help reduce insulin resistance, further emphasizing the benefits of consuming these seeds for individuals with carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

It is worth noting that there is no significant difference between brown and golden flaxseeds. However, it is important to purchase them whole and grind them just before consumption.

To benefit from their health properties, it is recommended to consume 2-3 tablespoons of flaxseeds daily.

Pumpkin Seeds

In addition to flaxseeds, I also encourage you to consider other seeds and kernels.

First and foremost, I’m referring to pumpkin seeds. It’s worth knowing that they are an excellent source of many essential minerals, including magnesium, zinc, manganese, and iron.

For example, just a handful of pumpkin seeds covers nearly 40% of the daily magnesium requirement. Considering that not many of us consume an adequate amount of magnesium, pumpkin seeds are a truly valuable addition to the diet.

In terms of health properties, it’s important to note that pumpkin seeds improve the health of men dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate gland). Furthermore, in experiments conducted on animals, scientists observed that pumpkin seeds can even inhibit prostate enlargement.

Additionally, pumpkin seeds have anticancer effects. Researchers have found that regular consumption of pumpkin seeds can reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 34%. Moreover, pumpkin seeds can protect against cancerous changes in the colon caused by carcinogens.

Furthermore, due to their high content of magnesium and zinc, pumpkin seeds promote male fertility, strengthen the immune system, and help prevent the development of diabetes. If diabetes does occur, they can assist in regulating glucose levels.

It’s also worth knowing that the high levels of magnesium present in pumpkin seeds reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease, heart failure, and strokes.

Moreover, individuals who have a diet rich in magnesium tend to have lower mortality rates from heart attacks. Therefore, it is beneficial to regularly incorporate pumpkin seeds into your diet alongside other seeds and kernels.

An optimal amount would be one handful per day.

Grape Seeds

Another valuable product that contains relatively high amounts of fat, up to 20%, is grape seeds.

In addition to fat, they are also a very good source of dietary fiber.

However, the most characteristic and health-promoting component found in grape seeds is a group of powerful antioxidants called proanthocyanidins, abbreviated as OPC.

It is largely due to their presence that consuming grape seeds contributes to health. Specifically, these seeds exhibit anti-inflammatory effects and have the ability to reduce the levels of the pro-inflammatory molecule known as C-reactive protein. They are capable of lowering systemic inflammation, which is a cause of many diseases.

Moreover, grape seeds have hypotensive properties and can help lower systolic blood pressure by up to 6 millimeters of mercury, and in the case of diastolic blood pressure, a reduction of nearly 3 units can be achieved.

Additionally, they improve the lipid profile of the blood by restoring the balance between HDL and LDL cholesterol and reducing the concentration of triglycerides.

Speaking of cardiovascular benefits, it’s important to note that compounds present in grape seeds help maintain the proper flexibility of blood vessels.

Furthermore, according to the latest research findings, grape seeds can be classified as products that alleviate insulin resistance. Therefore, individuals with conditions such as diabetes or prediabetes can also benefit from consuming them.

I recommend consuming about 2 teaspoons of grape seeds per day, which can be added to yogurt, smoothies, salads, or even cottage cheese.

Egg Yolk

Among the fatty foods that I encourage you to regularly include in your diet is egg yolk, as it is a true treasure trove of many valuable nutrients.

For example, just 2 egg yolks can cover 40% of your daily selenium requirement.

This is highly significant because few of us consume sufficient selenium on a daily basis, which can have an impact on our health. It is important to know that selenium deficiency disrupts the functioning of the thyroid and can cause hypothyroidism.

Furthermore, a lack of selenium can contribute to worsened mood, weakened immunity, and fertility disorders in men. Its presence is also important for maintaining healthy hair and nails.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that selenium creates an antioxidant barrier in our body, protecting it against free radicals and oxidative stress.

Egg yolk is also a good source of B-vitamins. Just 2 egg yolks can cover 20% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, which strengthens the immune system, supports mental agility, improves mood, reduces fatigue, and participates in the metabolism of vitamin D.

Egg yolks also contain relatively high amounts of folate, which is vitamin B9. Folate is responsible for lowering homocysteine levels in the blood, and high levels of homocysteine can damage blood vessels and lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, folate plays a role in red blood cell production, and its deficiency can lead to anemia. It’s also worth mentioning that folate protects against neurodegenerative diseases, including reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, this nutrient can be seen as an investment in healthy aging.

Moreover, folate, similar to vitamin B5, provides us with energy, prevents fatigue, and ensures the proper functioning of the immune system.


On the list of low-carbohydrate products, including those almost devoid of sugar but high in fat, we cannot overlook the exceptional fruit that is avocado.

This fruit contains as much as 15% fat. It’s worth noting that this fat consists of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that avocado is an excellent source of potassium. In one half of the fruit, we have as much as 400 milligrams of potassium. Potassium is a component that ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system, is responsible for muscle contractility, and helps regulate blood pressure.

I must also mention that the presence of antioxidants in avocado prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in our bodies, which has been confirmed in scientific studies. It is important to know that it is this oxidized cholesterol that contributes to atherosclerosis, so avocado can be said to prevent atherosclerosis to some extent.

By the way, conducted studies have shown that regular consumption of avocado reduces the risk of coronary artery disease by as much as 21% and arterial hypertension by 17%.

It’s also worth knowing that avocado is rich in lutein, and providing lutein improves our vision and helps prevent eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Chicken Liver

I decided that today’s list should also include liver.

It practically contains no carbohydrates and provides a relatively high amount of fat, although it is primarily a source of protein.

I included liver because few other products can match it in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals.

First and foremost, chicken liver is an excellent source of complete iron, zinc, selenium, and copper.

As for vitamins, it is rich in vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, vitamin B3, or niacin, vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, or folate, and it provides a significant amount of vitamin B12.

Additionally, it is highly abundant in vitamin A and the aforementioned choline, which can also be found in egg yolks.


I hope that with this article, I have managed to convince you that many fatty products are a true treasure trove of health, and for those who already consume them in large quantities, they are doing well.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that not all sources of fat are healthy.

I am primarily referring to processed trans fats.

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a powerful medicinal herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine systems across the world. From ancient China to medieval Europe, this plant has been revered for its therapeutic properties, especially in treating digestive disorders, promoting relaxation, and supporting women’s health. In this article, we explore the many medicinal benefits of mugwort, its historical significance, and the best ways to use it safely.

Historical and Cultural Significance

Mugwort has played an essential role in traditional medicine for thousands of years. In Chinese medicine, it is a primary ingredient in moxibustion, a technique that involves burning dried mugwort over acupuncture points to stimulate healing. In Europe, it was considered a protective herb, used to ward off evil spirits and enhance dreams. Native American tribes also valued mugwort for its calming and purifying properties.

Medicinal Benefits of Mugwort

1. Digestive Health

Mugwort is known for its ability to aid digestion by stimulating gastric juice production. It helps relieve bloating, indigestion, and loss of appetite. The bitter compounds in mugwort, called sesquiterpene lactones, promote bile flow and improve liver function, making it a great herb for digestive health.

2. Menstrual Health and Hormonal Balance

One of the most well-known uses of mugwort is its role in women’s health. It has been traditionally used to regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate cramps, and ease symptoms of menopause. Mugwort acts as an emmenagogue, meaning it can stimulate blood flow to the pelvic area and uterus, which may be beneficial for those with irregular or painful periods.

3. Anxiety, Stress, and Sleep Disorders

Mugwort has mild sedative properties that help reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It is often used in teas, tinctures, or essential oils to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Some people also use mugwort to enhance lucid dreaming, believing it can bring vivid, meaningful dreams.

4. Antimicrobial and Antiparasitic Properties

Studies have shown that mugwort has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. It has been used to treat intestinal worms, fungal infections, and skin conditions like eczema and acne. Mugwort extracts may also help combat certain bacterial infections.

5. Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Relief

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, mugwort has been used in traditional medicine to treat joint pain, arthritis, and muscle aches. Moxibustion therapy, which involves burning mugwort, is commonly used in Chinese medicine to relieve pain and inflammation.

6. Supporting Liver Health

Mugwort has been used as a liver tonic due to its detoxifying properties. It is believed to help cleanse the liver, improve bile production, and support overall liver function. This makes it useful for people who suffer from sluggish digestion and liver-related conditions.

How to Use Mugwort

1. Mugwort Tea

Mugwort tea is one of the simplest and most effective ways to use the herb. To make the tea:

  • Add 1 teaspoon of dried mugwort leaves to a cup of hot water.
  • Steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • Strain and drink. This tea can help with digestion, menstrual discomfort, and relaxation.

2. Tinctures and Extracts

Mugwort tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts that can be taken in small doses for medicinal purposes. A typical dosage ranges from 5-15 drops in water, taken up to three times daily.

3. Essential Oils

Mugwort essential oil is used in aromatherapy for its calming effects. It can be diffused, added to a bath, or diluted in a carrier oil for massage therapy.

4. Moxibustion

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners use moxibustion to warm acupuncture points and improve energy flow (Qi) in the body. This practice is especially beneficial for menstrual and digestive issues.

5. Culinary Uses

In some cultures, mugwort is used as a culinary herb to flavor soups, stews, and rice dishes. It has a slightly bitter, aromatic taste that pairs well with hearty foods.

Precautions and Side Effects

While mugwort has many benefits, it should be used with caution:

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Mugwort should be avoided by pregnant women as it may stimulate uterine contractions.
  • Allergic Reactions: People allergic to ragweed, daisies, marigolds, or chrysanthemums may also react to mugwort.
  • High Doses: Excessive consumption can cause nausea, dizziness, and toxicity.
  • Drug Interactions: If you are taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before using mugwort.


Mugwort is a versatile medicinal herb with a rich history of use in traditional medicine. Whether consumed as tea, applied as an essential oil, or used in moxibustion therapy, it offers numerous health benefits. However, like any herbal remedy, it should be used responsibly and with awareness of potential side effects. If you are considering adding mugwort to your wellness routine, consulting with a herbalist or healthcare provider can help ensure safe and effective use.

By integrating mugwort into your natural medicine cabinet, you can take advantage of its powerful properties and experience its healing benefits firsthand.

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10ml Wormwood Scraping Essential Oil Mugwort Pure Nature Moxibustion Oils Meridian Massage Cupping Moxa Accessories Health Care
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10ml Wormwood Scraping Essential Oil Mugwort Pure Nature Moxibustion Oils Meridian Massage Cupping Moxa Accessories Health Care
Mugwort Herb Wormwood Dried Leaves Moxa, Feet Soaking, Foot Treatment Spa, Prickly Heat, Eczema.
Mugwort Herb Wormwood Dried Leaves Moxa, Feet Soaking, Foot Treatment Spa, Prickly Heat, Eczema.
1 Box Mugwort Ointment Moxa Plaster Moxibustion Anti-scald Protection Accessory Cream Repel Mosquitoes and Relieve Itching
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1 Box Mugwort Ointment Moxa Plaster Moxibustion Anti-scald Protection Accessory Cream Repel Mosquitoes and Relieve Itching
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Moxibustion Sticks Moxa Columns Artemisia Roll Mugwort Rolls Mini Wormwood
SHARE HO 50:1 Pure Moxa Gold Herb Wild Mugwort Artemisia Chinese Moxibustion Acupuntura Heating Therapy Moxa Meridian 10 Years
SHARE HO 50:1 Pure Moxa Gold Herb Wild Mugwort Artemisia Chinese Moxibustion Acupuntura Heating Therapy Moxa Meridian 10 Years

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its powerful health benefits. Known for its deep purple berries and delicate white flowers, this medicinal plant is gaining popularity as a natural remedy for boosting immunity, fighting infections, and promoting overall wellness. Elderberry has a long history of use in herbal medicine, dating back to ancient civilizations, including the Greeks and Romans, who valued it for its healing properties. The plant grows in temperate and subtropical regions worldwide and has been utilized in various forms, such as teas, syrups, tinctures, and dietary supplements.

Nutritional Profile of Elderberry

Elderberries are packed with essential nutrients that contribute to overall well-being. The small but potent berries are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a powerful addition to a healthy diet. Some of the most notable components of elderberry include:

  • Vitamin C – Elderberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is crucial for supporting immune function, promoting skin health, and aiding in wound healing. A single serving of elderberries provides a significant portion of the recommended daily intake of this essential vitamin.
  • Flavonoids – These natural compounds have strong antioxidant properties that protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Flavonoids, such as quercetin and kaempferol, also have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Anthocyanins – The deep purple color of elderberries comes from anthocyanins, which are potent antioxidants known for their ability to combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. These compounds also contribute to heart health and improved cognitive function.
  • Dietary Fiber – Elderberries contain dietary fiber, which is essential for digestion and gut health. Fiber promotes regular bowel movements, helps control blood sugar levels, and supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Phenolic Acids – These natural plant compounds have been shown to help reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health, and protect against certain chronic conditions by neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body.

Health Benefits of Elderberry

1. Immune System Support

One of the most well-known uses of elderberry is its ability to boost the immune system. Studies suggest that elderberry extracts can help reduce the duration and severity of colds and flu by stimulating the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Elderberry contains compounds that enhance the production of cytokines, which are signaling molecules that regulate immune responses. By supporting immune function, elderberry can help the body fight off infections more effectively.

Research has shown that elderberry extracts may reduce flu symptoms faster than conventional antiviral medications. A study conducted on individuals with influenza found that those who took elderberry supplements experienced symptom relief up to four days earlier than those who did not take elderberry.

2. Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties

Elderberry has been extensively studied for its antiviral properties, particularly against influenza viruses. The bioactive compounds in elderberries help prevent viral replication, making them a natural remedy for respiratory infections. Additionally, elderberry has been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for sinus infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Studies suggest that elderberry extract can block the entry of viruses into cells, reducing the likelihood of infection. The antiviral effects of elderberry extend beyond the flu virus, as research indicates that it may also have activity against the common cold, herpes simplex virus, and other respiratory viruses.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Chronic inflammation is a major contributing factor to various health conditions, including heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders. Thanks to its high antioxidant content, elderberry can help reduce inflammation and protect against oxidative damage.

Anthocyanins, found in high concentrations in elderberries, have been shown to suppress inflammatory markers in the body. By lowering inflammation, elderberry can help alleviate symptoms of chronic conditions such as joint pain, muscle stiffness, and inflammatory bowel disease.

4. Heart Health

Elderberry supports cardiovascular health by improving blood circulation, reducing cholesterol levels, and lowering blood pressure. The anthocyanins in elderberries help maintain healthy blood vessels, reduce oxidative stress, and prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

Regular consumption of elderberry has been associated with lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and increased levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. Additionally, elderberry may help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

5. Digestive Support

Elderberries contain a significant amount of dietary fiber, which plays a crucial role in maintaining digestive health. Fiber promotes regular bowel movements, prevents constipation, and supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

By maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, elderberry can enhance nutrient absorption, improve overall digestion, and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Ways to Use Elderberry Medicinally

Elderberry is available in various forms, each offering unique benefits and methods of consumption. Some of the most popular ways to incorporate elderberry into a wellness routine include:

  • Syrups – Elderberry syrups are widely used for immune support, particularly during cold and flu season. These syrups can be purchased commercially or made at home using fresh or dried elderberries, honey, and spices.
  • Teas – Elderberry tea is a soothing and beneficial option for respiratory health. It can be made by steeping dried elderberries in hot water, often combined with herbs such as ginger, echinacea, and licorice root for added health benefits.
  • Capsules & Gummies – For those who prefer a convenient option, elderberry supplements are available in the form of capsules, tablets, and gummies. These provide a concentrated dose of elderberry extract and are easy to incorporate into daily routines.
  • Tinctures – Elderberry tinctures are highly concentrated liquid extracts that can be taken directly or added to water, juice, or tea. Tinctures are often used for targeted immune support during times of illness.
  • Homemade Remedies – Elderberry can be used in a variety of homemade preparations, such as elderberry-infused honey, jams, syrups, and even elderberry wine. These DIY remedies allow individuals to control the ingredients and potency of their elderberry products.

Precautions and Potential Side Effects

While elderberry is generally safe for most people, raw or unripe elderberries contain cyanogenic glycosides, which can be toxic and may cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. It is essential to consume properly processed elderberry products to avoid potential toxicity.

Individuals with autoimmune conditions should consult a healthcare provider before using elderberry, as it may stimulate the immune system and exacerbate autoimmune symptoms. Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding women should seek medical advice before taking elderberry supplements.


Elderberry is a powerful natural remedy with a wide range of health benefits, particularly for immune support, heart health, and digestive wellness. Whether taken as a syrup, tea, or supplement, this traditional medicinal plant continues to be a valuable ally in promoting overall well-being. As always, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before adding new supplements to your routine, especially for individuals with underlying health conditions or those taking medication.

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Yimiduk Vitamin B Complex Capsule Help Relieve Fatigue, Improve Digestion, Reduce Stress, Better Mood Support, Immune Supplement
Elderberry Gummies - with Vitamin C - Immune Support and Healthy Skin, Antioxidant
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Elderberry Gummies - with Vitamin C - Immune Support and Healthy Skin, Antioxidant
Catfit 5-In-1 Quercetin Gummies with Bromelain Vitamin C and Zinc &Elderberry Antioxidant and anti-tumor antitussive Food
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Catfit 5-In-1 Quercetin Gummies with Bromelain Vitamin C and Zinc &Elderberry Antioxidant and anti-tumor antitussive Food
Elderberry - Dietary Supplement That Supports A Healthy Immune System, Antioxidant Levels and Promotes Nutrient Absorption
$6.44 $12.88
Elderberry - Dietary Supplement That Supports A Healthy Immune System, Antioxidant Levels and Promotes Nutrient Absorption
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In this article, we will prepare together a very healthy soup that prevents the development of many chronic diseases.

Moreover, it can prolong our lives.

Why is that?

I will tell you during today’s recipe. 😉

And now, let’s proceed to the recipe and introduce the “guests” of our party.

Shopping list

To make today’s recipe, we need:

  • onions – two or three pieces,
  • tomatoes – three pieces,
  • ginger root (2cm),
  • garlic – four cloves.
  • Red lentils (dry) – 400 grams.
  • Decorative ingredients, which I will mention at the end.
  • Salt – one and a half teaspoons,
  • hot paprika – one teaspoon,
  • curry – one teaspoon.
  • Garam masala – one teaspoon.
  • Coconut milk – one cup,
  • extra virgin olive oil – 4 tablespoons, and…
  • 2 liters of water.

I know that you’ve been wondering 😉 Why the above tomatoes all of a sudden?

Lemme’ explain…

Lycopene and its Superpowers

Tomatoes are super rich with lycopene.

Adding products rich in lycopene to our diet is beneficial for our health due to several reasons.

Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and phytonutrient that gives fruits and vegetables their red color, such as tomatoes, watermelon, guava, and pink grapefruit.

Benefits of consuming lycopene-rich foods

  1. Antioxidant Properties: Lycopene acts as an antioxidant in the body, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and aging. By consuming foods high in lycopene, we can help protect our cells from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of these diseases.
  2. Heart Health: Lycopene has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol oxidation, improves blood vessel function, and decreases inflammation in the arteries. These effects contribute to a healthier cardiovascular system and a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  3. Cancer Prevention: Lycopene has been extensively studied for its potential role in preventing various types of cancer, including prostate, lung, breast, and digestive tract cancers. It exhibits anti-cancer properties by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells, and preventing the formation of new blood vessels that support tumor growth.
  4. Eye Health: Lycopene has shown promising benefits for eye health. It may help protect against age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is a leading cause of vision loss in older adults. Lycopene’s antioxidant properties help protect the retina and lens from oxidative damage, reducing the risk of AMD and promoting overall eye health.
  5. Skin Protection: Lycopene has been found to have photoprotective properties, helping to protect the skin from damage caused by UV radiation from the sun. It can help reduce sunburn, skin redness, and DNA damage caused by excessive sun exposure. Additionally, lycopene’s antioxidant properties contribute to healthy skin by combating oxidative stress and promoting collagen production.

I’m in! Let’s make the soup!

In a pot, we add onions and olive oil.

Remember that this is extra virgin olive oil, so it requires maintaining the appropriate temperature. Simply put, we do it over medium heat. Never too much and never too little. Remember to always find just about the right balance in your life.

Once the onions have become golden brown, we add garlic, salt, paprika, curry, and ginger.

Before I tell you which additional ingredient in this soup has another unique impact on our health, let’s sum up, what we have so far and how we can benefit from it in the long run.

Lycopene, present in tomatoes by 35%, reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

1:0 against that nasty cancer.

Additionally, onions, garlic, and ginger regulate glucose and lipid levels in the blood, which is beneficial for individuals with diabetes.

1:0 against any form of diabetes.
Sounds good? Great!

Let’s get back to cooking.

It’s about that time we add some olive oil and tomatoes.

Read one life-inspiring tweet, then add lentils.

Think about something positive and pour in water. Just about enough to make a nice soup.

Just keep in mind that less is better or else you’ll have to consider adding more of the initial ingredients first in order to keep the proper flavor.

Worrying about us not telling you how much should you add? Life’s too short to worry about such “problems”.

In other words – don’t stress too much about the amounts. Add as much as you like.

Just add “by eye”. Trust us, it’ll be delicious and healthy 😉

While the soup cooks up nicely, let’s talk about one more ingredient which will benefit our bodies tremendously.

It is lentils.


Lentils are a rich source of plant-based protein, and scientific evidence suggests that substituting animal protein with plant-based protein reduces the risk of many chronic diseases.

This means that plant-based protein should appear more frequently on our table.

At least according to this scientific study.

We cook everything for about 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, we turn off our stove and add coconut milk while stirring with a spoon.

Our final touchdown should be adding some garam masala in order to enhance the flavor.

Optionally, we can decorate the soup. Depending on individual preferences, it can be herbs, seeds, or flakes.

And there you have it!

Delicious and healthy soup, or should I say “potion”?

Enjoy your meal. 😉🎉


The liver is one of the most important organs, not only because it effectively detoxifies the body from toxins, but also because it has a much broader range of functions. The symptoms that appear when the liver ceases to function properly indicate how much it is involved in life processes.

I expect that some signs of liver dysfunction that I will mention may come as a surprise to some of you, so I encourage you to read this article to the end. Finally, I will also explain what tests to perform to preliminarily assess the condition of your liver.

Bilirubin – An unknown compound of great importance

I’ll start with the most well-known symptom, or rather a group of several different signs that indicate something is wrong with our liver. Of course, I’m referring to jaundice.

During jaundice, we primarily observe a yellow-brown discoloration of the skin, as well as yellowing of the whites of the eyes and mucous membranes.

This is caused by the deposition of bilirubin in various tissues.

For those not familiar with bilirubin, in simplified terms, it is a yellow pigment released as a result of the natural breakdown of red blood cells, or erythrocytes. It’s important to know that the liver captures excess bilirubin from the blood and then transforms it into other components. It transports it through the bile ducts to the digestive tract, where it is excreted with feces. This is what happens when our liver is functioning properly.

However, if the liver is damaged, it fails to process bilirubin effectively. One of the effects is the accumulation of bilirubin in tissues and the yellowing of the skin. However, if the liver stops transmitting bilirubin to the digestive tract, it will not color the stool. As a result, during jaundice, we observe pale-colored stools.

At the same time, when bilirubin accumulates in the blood, its excess is eliminated through urine, which can cause discoloration of urine. Therefore, darkening of urine is another sign of jaundice.

Jaundice can be caused by a variety of liver diseases, primarily including liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, biliary tract inflammation, and liver tumors. Jaundice can also occur as a result of liver damage caused by drug overdose, alcohol abuse, or mushroom poisoning.

As a side note, without going into further detail, it’s worth mentioning that jaundice can also be caused by other unrelated health issues.

When discussing symptoms of a diseased liver, it’s also important to note that, for example, liver cirrhosis is often accompanied by general weakness or even chronic fatigue and increased tiredness.

Image by Freepik

Moreover, in the case of the mentioned disease, fatigue is sometimes the only symptom for a long time. I would like to add that fatigue can have a significant impact on our quality of life, making it difficult to perform professional work, engage in sports, or even pursue our hobbies.

I realize that fatigue is not a very specific symptom that can be attributed to many other health problems. However, if it appears, it is worth paying attention to whether it is accompanied by other signs that I am discussing today.

In individuals with liver cirrhosis, malnutrition is also frequently observed.

All this applies to me, PLUS – I’m losing appetite…

In addition to fatigue, I mean loss of appetite, as well as uncontrolled and unintentional weight loss.

This is caused, among other factors, by the presence of hypermetabolism, which means an acceleration of the basal metabolic rate, in some patients with the mentioned disease.

Furthermore, when the liver is insufficient, it fails to properly process the nutrients provided with food, including fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. This, combined with the accompanying inflammatory state, leads to increased breakdown of body proteins, known as catabolism.

I would like to add immediately that disturbances in the metabolism of these mentioned nutrients can also cause symptoms related to the digestive tract.

In addition to the loss of appetite, these include diarrhea, bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen after meals, nausea, and vomiting.

Often underestimated pain

I would also like to mention that during liver disease, pain may occur in the area below the rib cage, usually on the right side of the body.

However, I must emphasize that the liver itself does not feel pain because it is not innervated by sensory nerves.

The perceived pain is caused by the enlargement of the liver, which puts pressure on the surrounding tissues, including the liver capsule.

During liver disease, especially in the case of cirrhosis, there can also be a change in the appearance of our body silhouette. I’m referring to the appearance of what is called “chestnut man.” This refers to a situation where our arms and legs become slimmer due to muscle loss, while there is an increase in abdominal circumference caused by liver enlargement, which is professionally referred to as hepatomegaly.

Enlargement of the liver – when the situation becomes serious

Liver enlargement can result from various factors, including ongoing inflammatory conditions, bile stasis in the liver, and, in extreme cases, the presence of tumors. In addition to liver cirrhosis, which can cause liver enlargement and increased abdominal volume, it can also occur due to conditions such as viral hepatitis (types A, B, or C), liver steatosis (fatty liver), or drug-induced hepatitis caused by medications like statins and paracetamol.

It should be noted that liver enlargement can also occur due to other problems unrelated to the liver itself. This includes conditions such as right-sided heart failure or hepatic vein thrombosis, which cause bile stasis in the organ.

Experiencing nosebleeds and skin irritations from an unknown source?

Speaking of appearance, I must also mention that besides the aforementioned jaundice discussed at the beginning of the article, there can be other visible changes in the skin.

To understand this aspect, it’s important to know that the liver plays a crucial role in producing blood clotting factors. Therefore, when it stops functioning properly, there is a decrease in the concentration of clotting factors in the blood. As a result, patients with liver diseases may experience spontaneous nosebleeds and gum bleeding. Additionally, they tend to develop bruises easily.

Furthermore, a condition known as “spider angioma” or “spider nevi” may appear, which is enlarged and bursting superficial blood vessels on the skin. They typically have a star-like shape, with red dot-like elevations from which branching lines radiate. These changes are most commonly observed in the upper part of the chest, but they can also appear on the face and upper limbs.

Among the vascular changes visible on the skin in the course of liver cirrhosis, we should also mention the so-called “caput medusae.” This refers to the appearance of enlarged veins in the area around the navel, somewhat resembling the mythological Medusa, who had snakes instead of hair on her head.

Palmar Erythema

Additionally, in the course of liver cirrhosis, we often encounter a condition called “palmar erythema” and “plantar erythema,” which refers to redness of the palms or the soles of the feet.

Skin changes accompanying liver diseases, especially cholestasis, which is the stagnation of bile, also include persistent itching of the skin. It’s worth noting that it can occur at various stages of liver disease, often in the early phases.

It is quite characteristic that the itching intensifies during the nighttime when the skin is warmed. Typically, this problem affects the skin of the hands and feet.

As a result of the itching, there are often scratch marks, which are skin abrasions that occur due to continuous scratching.

The Connection Between Liver Disease and Hormonal Problems

The liver plays a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance within the body. Liver disease can disrupt this delicate equilibrium and lead to hormonal imbalances.

The liver is responsible for metabolizing hormones, including estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormones, as well as producing proteins that transport these hormones throughout the body.

When the liver is compromised, such as in cases of liver cirrhosis or hepatitis, its ability to regulate hormone levels is affected.

This can result in a range of hormonal problems, including menstrual irregularities, infertility, decreased libido, and even the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Understanding the connection between liver disease and hormonal issues is important for managing and treating both conditions effectively.

In other words – liver is involved in processing sex hormones, including estrogen (the female hormone) and testosterone (the male hormone), and in the course of liver cirrhosis, the balance between these hormones is disrupted.

As a result, men often experience gynecomastia, which is the enlargement of breast glands.

Additionally, these hormonal imbalances can be accompanied by changes in body hair. In men, we observe hair loss in areas such as the armpits, chest, and genital region, while women may experience excessive hair growth on the face and forearms.

When the liver is not functioning properly, it can also leave a mark on our nails.

Scientific literature states that in the course of liver cirrhosis, a condition called Terry’s nails may appear.

This change involves a significant portion of the nail plate turning white, while a narrow pink strip is observed at the distal end, or the very tip, of the nail.

I found information stating that Terry’s nails occur in up to 80% of individuals struggling with the mentioned disease. And as many of you are probably well aware, the liver is the most important detoxifying organ, and if liver failure develops, it weakens the body’s processes of eliminating various toxic substances.

As a consequence, various neurotoxic substances start to accumulate in the body, which can penetrate the central nervous system and cause neurologic and psychiatric disorders. This can result in a range of different symptoms. I’m referring to disturbances in concentration, memory, and attention, mood changes, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, anxious reactions, uncontrollable anger, reversal of sleep-wake cycle, and muscle tremors.

Keep your health in check

Now I will briefly explain to you which tests are best to perform initially if we want to assess the functioning and condition of our liver. The basis is the measurement of liver function tests, which involve the activity of two enzymes present in the liver.

I’m referring to alanine aminotransferase, abbreviated as ALT, and aspartate aminotransferase, or AST. Elevated liver function tests can indicate primarily viral hepatitis, as well as hepatitis caused by alcohol or an excessive immune response.

Additionally, an increase in liver function tests is observed in cases of poisoning and liver damage caused by hepatotoxic substances, including drug abuse, for example. Sometimes elevated liver function tests indicate fatty liver disease.

However, I must emphasize that in certain liver diseases, liver function tests may be within normal range. Another enzyme whose activity can be assessed is alkaline phosphatase, abbreviated as ALP. Its elevated levels are observed, among others, in liver diseases associated with bile stasis, such as bile duct inflammation or viral hepatitis.

However, it is important to know that high alkaline phosphatase levels can also be caused by bone diseases. Therefore, if we want to assess liver health, this test is performed as an additional one, not the only one.

If we suspect liver problems in ourselves, it is also good to measure the bilirubin level, which I mentioned at the beginning of the article. Elevated bilirubin levels in the blood may indicate viral hepatitis, liver cancer, as well as liver cirrhosis. Very often, increased bilirubin is also observed in diseases of the biliary tract, such as bile duct stones or inflammation of the bile ducts.

Blood Clotting Efficiency

You may remember, as I mentioned before, that the liver produces clotting factors and is responsible for proper blood clotting.

However, when it becomes inadequate, spontaneous bleeding can occur, which also reflects in laboratory test results.

I’m referring specifically to the measurement of the so-called prothrombin time, which is the time required for proper plasma clotting.

When the result is elevated, indicating a prolonged prothrombin time, it signifies delayed blood clotting.

And such a situation can be encountered in the course of liver dysfunction.

Albumines: One of the many key factors to our overall well-being

Albumin is a protein found in the blood and plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it serves various essential functions within the body.

First and foremost, albumin functions as a carrier molecule, transporting hormones, fatty acids, medications, and other substances throughout the bloodstream. This ensures that these vital compounds reach their intended destinations and can perform their respective roles effectively.

Additionally, albumin helps regulate the osmotic pressure in blood vessels, preventing excessive fluid leakage into tissues. This helps maintain proper blood volume and prevents the occurrence of edema or swelling.

Albumin is also involved in the maintenance of pH balance in the body, contributing to the stability of bodily fluids. It aids in buffering the blood, ensuring that it remains within the optimal pH range for normal physiological processes to occur.

Furthermore, albumin plays a crucial role in preserving the body’s nutritional status. It acts as a reservoir of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. During periods of fasting or malnutrition, albumin releases amino acids to provide a source of energy and support various bodily functions.

In the context of medical diagnostics, albumin levels are frequently measured to assess liver and kidney function, as well as nutritional status. Abnormal albumin levels can indicate underlying health issues and guide healthcare professionals in determining appropriate treatment strategies.

How does the above refers to the previous part? It’s very simple.

You may remember that I wrote about how the liver produces clotting factors and is responsible for proper blood clotting. However, when it becomes dysfunctional, spontaneous bleeding can occur, which also affects laboratory test results.

I am referring to the measurement of a parameter known as prothrombin time, which indicates the time required for plasma to clot properly. If the result is elevated, meaning that the prothrombin time is prolonged, it indicates delayed blood clotting. This situation is often observed in cases of liver failure.

Final Words

In any case, when the liver is not functioning properly, as you may already suspect, it produces fewer albumins, leading to a decrease in their concentration in the blood. Therefore, if we measure the level of albumin in the blood and it falls below the normal range, it may indicate liver diseases such as cirrhosis or damage caused by toxic substances.

If the test results mentioned earlier deviate from the norm, further imaging tests are conducted, including liver ultrasound (USG), and even histopathological examinations involving liver tissue sampling, which refers to liver biopsy.

However, in the first instance, it is essential to perform blood tests that I mentioned to you.

Additional knowledge – video

Additional knowledge – reading:

A note from our team ❤

Take care and live a happy life 😉❤


Power food which is not only easy to acquire but also cheap.
Impossible you’ve said?

Possible 🤷‍♂️

Introducing, a powerful addition to your diet which offers numerous health benefits and is packed with antioxidants.
A simple solution to help fight free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Concerned about heart health? What if one ingredient would lower it significantly whilst offering other benefits like lowering inflammation, and strengthening the immune system?

In other words – reserve a 10-minute ride into the better-you scenario. 😉

Today, I will tell you about the exceptional health benefits of one of the most popular vegetables in many countries, and I’m referring to onions.

According to statistical data, during the season, as many as 66% of the world’s population reaches for this vegetable at least once a week. That’s why I believe it’s even more important to know what goodness lies within it.

But beware! 👏

I would like to encourage you not only to choose white or yellow onions but above all, to opt for red onions, and I will explain why in a moment.

Medicinal value of onions

I will start by briefly explaining which components present in onions contribute to their health benefits.

Similar to the popular garlic, onions contain sulfur compounds such as allicin, isoalliin, and diallyl disulfide, but in much smaller quantities compared to garlic. However, this does not mean that onions are less valuable.

What sets onions apart is their high content of antioxidants in the form of flavonols, with quercetin being the most important representative. It is largely responsible for the beneficial effects of onions on health.

Additionally, I would like to mention that onions are one of the richest dietary sources of this component.

Red Barron, I mean… Onion

I would like to draw your attention to a particular advantage of red onions over other varieties. By delving into scientific literature, we can learn that red onions can contain up to twice as much quercetin as yellow onions. It fares even better compared to white onions, boasting over six times the amount of this compound.

Furthermore, red onions also contain anthocyanins, which give them their characteristic color and possess strong antioxidant properties. According to this information, it is advisable to opt for red onions most frequently, although yellow onions are also valuable. The least benefits can be gained from white onions.

Now that you are aware of the components that make onions a valuable vegetable let’s proceed to discuss the health benefits that can be obtained when regularly incorporating them into our diet.

It’s worth knowing that similar to garlic, onions have anticoagulant properties, meaning they slow down the blood clotting process. Therefore, scientists consider onions to be a valuable dietary component for preventing clot formation and the development of thrombosis. This implies that onions help maintain proper cardiovascular function.

However, it’s important to note that onions exhibit such health properties mainly when consumed raw. Researchers have observed that subjecting onions to heat can diminish their aforementioned activity. Therefore, if you seek their antiplatelet or anticoagulant effects, it is best to consume them raw.

Cardioviscular health

In the context of cardiovascular health, it is worth mentioning that previous experiments conducted on animals have confirmed that onions have a hypotensive effect, meaning they lower blood pressure. Experts believe that this activity stems from the compounds present in onions stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which dilates arteries and consequently reduces blood pressure.

However, similar to the anticoagulant properties mentioned earlier, subjecting onions to high temperatures, such as boiling, frying, or baking, can significantly diminish the effectiveness of this activity.

Staying on the topic of cardiovascular health, I would like to emphasize that regular consumption of onions has a positive impact on blood lipid profile. Scientists analyzed the results of ten studies involving humans and unequivocally demonstrated that onions restore the balance between HDL and LDL cholesterol levels. This effect is crucial because if blood tests reveal elevated LDL levels along with reduced HDL concentrations, it indicates a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis. Based on the information I provided, it can be inferred that onions exhibit certain anti-atherosclerotic effects.

Everything I have just mentioned—onions’ anticoagulant, blood pressure-lowering, and anti-atherosclerotic properties—translates into specific clinical effects. For example, in 2009, experts from Italy published the results of a study that showed individuals who consumed at least one portion of onions per week had a 22% lower risk of experiencing an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Interestingly, as researchers demonstrated within the discussed scope, onions proved to be more effective than garlic.

Neuro-Degenerative Shield

While preparing today’s article, I came across a fascinating study from 2021 that involved adult and older participants aged between 60 and 80 years. In this experiment, the subjects consumed onions daily for six months. After this period, the researchers assessed the impact on their cognitive function.

It turned out that permanently incorporating onions into their diet led to an improvement in cognitive function and, consequently, slowed down the progression of dementia. The researchers attribute this effect to the presence of quercetin, which, among other things, enhances blood flow in the brain, promoting neurogenesis or the generation of new nerve cells.

Furthermore, due to their antioxidant properties, the compounds present in onions protect neurons from damage caused by neurotoxins, effectively inhibiting neurodegenerative changes.

The obtained results indicate that onions can be a beneficial addition when it comes to preserving our brain’s functionality. Importantly, this effect was observed in older individuals, suggesting that it is never too late to make dietary changes for potential benefits.

Strengthening Bones – Naturally

I understand that while reading this material on the health properties of onions, some individuals may not have expected to hear that onions can improve bone health.

Strong bones are typically associated with nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium. However, it turns out that onions, despite not containing these elements, also contribute to strengthening our bones.

For example, a study involving peri- and postmenopausal women aged 50+ demonstrated that individuals who consumed onions daily had, on average, a 5% higher overall bone density compared to those who consumed onions only once a month or less frequently.

A similar effect was observed in another experiment where women were given 100 milliliters of onion juice daily for eight weeks. At the end of the study, it was found that onions partially inhibited the decline in bone mineral density.

This is due to the presence of bioactive compounds in onions that suppress the formation of osteoclasts, which are bone-resorbing cells that contribute to bone breakdown. Additionally, onions stimulate the production of osteoblasts, which are bone-forming cells that help build our bones.

Anti-Cancer Angel

Speaking of the health properties of onions, it is impossible not to mention its remarkable anti-cancer activity. As scientific literature suggests, incorporating onions into our diet can protect us from various types of cancer. It is particularly effective in relation to gastrointestinal cancers.

In one of the renowned scientific journals, a study was published demonstrating that individuals who consume large amounts of onions have a 46% lower risk of developing stomach cancer compared to those who rarely consume this vegetable. Another publication reveals that including onions in daily diet is also associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer, oral and pharyngeal cancer, as well as esophageal cancer.

Furthermore, it is worth emphasizing that onions exhibit more potent anti-cancer effects than garlic. Additionally, in the context of cancer prevention, onions can be particularly beneficial for women. A study from 2016 suggests that regular onion consumption is associated with a 37% lower risk of breast cancer. It is important to note that this high efficacy refers to raw onions rather than those subjected to heat treatment.

Delving into the scientific literature, we can also find information that women who frequently consume onions have a lower incidence of endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer. Onions can also provide benefits to individuals with elevated blood sugar levels, such as those with diabetes. In a small study, researchers observed that regular consumption of 100 grams of red onion (approximately one onion) significantly reduces blood glucose levels. Interestingly, some individuals experience such satisfactory results that they are able to reduce the dosage of their anti-diabetic medications.

This only highlights the tremendous health potential that lies within natural products and emphasizes the importance of harnessing their benefits.

Unknown Hypoglecymic effect

The hypoglycemic effect of onions, i.e., lowering blood sugar levels, is likely due to the compounds present in them that improve the functioning of pancreatic beta cells responsible for insulin release. Insulin, in turn, reduces glucose levels in the blood by transporting it into the cells of our body.

Furthermore, researchers believe that onions can also modify the activity of certain enzymes involved in glucose metabolism in the human body.

I also came across a study that confirmed the contribution of onions to mitigating insulin resistance, which is another factor through which this vegetable improves our carbohydrate metabolism.

It is also worth noting that the compounds found in onions exhibit hepatoprotective effects, meaning they protect the liver from damage. This includes damage caused by harmful effects of drugs and heavy metals.

Moreover, animal experiments have shown that the components present in onions improve the functioning of a fatty liver. This refers to their beneficial reduction of liver enzymes and even their potential to decrease steatosis (fatty liver) and inflammation in this organ.

Another advantage of consuming onions is their prebiotic properties. In simpler terms, onions contain beneficial compounds called fructooligosaccharides, which nourish the bacteria inhabiting our intestines. This means that consuming onions promotes the growth of microorganisms that are beneficial for our health. This effect is particularly important, for example, after completing antibiotic therapy, when the restoration of our gut microbiota is crucial.

As mentioned earlier, onions contain polyphenols, including quercetin, which possess strong antioxidant properties. Numerous studies have demonstrated that onions have the ability to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress.

Overall, onions offer a wide range of health benefits, including their impact on blood sugar levels, liver protection, prebiotic effects, and antioxidant properties.

Image by Freepik

Fights over-active white cells?

Moreover, scientists have found that onions also exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, which contribute to reducing inflammation. In one of the recent studies from 2021, the authors explicitly stated that onions provide therapeutic value in the treatment of various diseases associated with oxidative stress and inflammation.

As I mentioned in one of my recent videos, even 60% of all deaths worldwide are caused by diseases that have chronic inflammation as their underlying factor. This further emphasizes the valuable nature of onions as a vegetable for our health.

Image by Freepik

BONUS – Direct Health Recipe

I will give you a suggestion for a specific dish using onions. It may not be groundbreaking because I believe many of our readers have already practiced something similar.

I’m referring to herring salad with onion, apple, pickled cucumber, apple cider vinegar, and olive oil.

In my opinion, it’s worth combining onions with herring because consuming this type of fish, just like onions, is associated with slowing down the development of dementia and reducing the risk of its occurrence.

Similarly, herring also strengthens our cardiovascular system. Scientists have confirmed that incorporating fish into our diet is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

Furthermore, the omega-3 fatty acids present in fish have anti-inflammatory properties, similar to the compounds found in onions.

There is a reason why I included apple cider vinegar in the recipe for a healthy salad. We value it primarily because it is very effective in lowering blood sugar levels and alleviating insulin resistance, which is also a benefit that onions can boast.

Additionally, apple cider vinegar has the ability to significantly reduce triglyceride levels, making the salad even more beneficial for our circulatory system.

It is also worth enriching the mentioned dish with extra virgin olive oil because, like onions, it has a positive impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Similar to onions, olive oil helps restore the balance between HDL and LDL cholesterol levels and additionally prevents the oxidation of cholesterol, which is a harmful modification occurring in blood vessels. This is why it also exhibits anti-atherosclerotic effects.

As researchers have demonstrated, regular consumption of olive oil reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 27% and strokes by 26%.

Furthermore, olive oil protects us against certain types of cancer, just like onions do for gastrointestinal cancers and breast cancer. It reduces the risk of liver steatosis and improves communication between nerve cells, to some extent preventing neurodegenerative diseases.

Important Safety Measures

Now a few words about the safety of consuming onions.

In general, as I have demonstrated, onions are a health-promoting food. However, some individuals should exercise caution when consuming them.

First and foremost, it is important to be aware that onions can be relatively difficult to digest. Therefore, individuals who require a light diet should limit their onion consumption.

It is also worth noting that onions contain fructooligosaccharides, which can cause adverse effects in individuals with gastrointestinal issues, including those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

Furthermore, individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) should be aware that onions can exacerbate their condition, including causing heartburn.

People taking anticoagulant medications should approach high onion consumption with caution as well, considering what I mentioned earlier about onions slowing down blood clotting.

Additionally, it is not recommended to feed onions to dogs as they can be harmful to them. Onions can cause a condition called hemolytic anemia in dogs, leading to the destruction of red blood cells.


Onions, with their distinct flavor and aroma, are not just a kitchen staple but also a powerhouse of health benefits.

These humble bulbs contain compounds that can positively impact our well-being. One notable advantage is their potential to regulate blood sugar levels, making them beneficial for individuals with diabetes.

Additionally, onions have been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in the reduction of chronic inflammation, a common underlying factor in various diseases.

However, it’s important to be mindful of certain considerations, such as their digestibility for individuals with sensitive stomachs and potential interactions with certain medications.

Despite these precautions, incorporating onions into our diets can be a simple and delicious way to support our overall health.


In the rich tapestry of Chinese culinary and medicinal traditions, there exists a venerable national treasure known as Guo Lao, or more commonly, licorice. This sweet rhizome, scientifically identified as Glycerrhiza uralensis or G. glabra, holds a cherished place in both kitchens and pharmacies due to its exceptional popularity and its ability to harmonize with other herbs in traditional Chinese formulas.

The Name and Nature of Guo Lao:

  1. Chinese Moniker – Gan Cao:
    The true Chinese name for this remarkable herb is Gan Cao. In traditional Chinese medicine, Gan Cao is celebrated for its multifaceted properties, acting as a Qi tonic, anti-inflammatory agent, and possessing adaptogen-like qualities.
  2. Health Benefits:
  • Harmonizing Systems:
    Guo Lao stands out for its ability to regulate the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems, showcasing adaptogenic prowess.
  • Respiratory Support:
    Particularly beneficial for the respiratory system, Gan Cao soothes sore throats, alleviates dry, spasmodic coughs, and provides moisture to the lungs in various conditions.
  • Digestive Elixir:
    Known for its soothing effects, Gan Cao aids in managing conditions such as gastritis, ulcers, IBS, and IBD.
  • Immune Normalization:
    This herb plays a role in immune normalization, making it a valuable ally in cancer therapies, allergies, and auto-immune conditions.
  • Blood Sugar and Cortisol Regulation:
    Gan Cao’s influence extends to stabilizing blood sugar levels and boosting cortisol, offering support in conditions where cortisol is depleted.
  • Topical Applications:
    Beyond internal use, licorice serves as an antiviral agent in topical applications, effectively addressing skin conditions like shingles.

Medicinal Caution:

While Gan Cao boasts an impressive array of health benefits, it’s crucial to exercise caution. Licorice is contraindicated in cases of fluid accumulation, hypertension, and kidney disease.

Culinary Application – Beyond Medicine:

Guo Lao in the Kitchen:

Marinades for Poultry and Meat:

  • Guo Lao finds its way into Chinese kitchens through marinating poultry and meat.
  • Create a base using soy sauce and white wine, and infuse it with sliced onions, ginger, cloves, orange peel, and licorice.
  • Allow the meat or poultry to marinate for several hours or overnight to absorb both its mild, sweet flavor and medicinal properties.
Sauce Infusion:
  • Once the marination process is complete, the marinade can be cooked and poured over the meat as a delectable sauce, bringing forth a unique blend of flavors and health benefits.


In the realms of Chinese medicine and cuisine, Guo Lao, or licorice, emerges as a versatile and cherished ingredient. From its profound medicinal benefits to its subtle yet distinctive flavor in culinary applications, this venerable national treasure continues to captivate the hearts of those who appreciate the intersection of health and gastronomy in Chinese traditions. So, whether you’re exploring herbal remedies or culinary delights, let Guo Lao guide you on a journey of taste and well-being.

The compound I will talk about in this article is exceptionally important for the intestines and improves the absorption of magnesium, zinc, and copper by even several dozen percent. Certain amounts of it can be obtained from several plant products, but we can also opt for a ready-made product in the form of a white powder with only this one isolated ingredient. And since we need small amounts of it for our health, such a product is inexpensive.

The cost of such nutritional support is approximately $2.64 per month.

Health benefits of inulin

To avoid keeping you in suspense, I will immediately say that we are talking about inulin.

Inulin is a natural ingredient from the group of fructooligosaccharides, which are compounds with a wide, beneficial impact on our body.

As I mentioned before, this ingredient occurs naturally in nature.

Its highest quantities are found in plants such as chicory, dandelion, dahlia, burdock, and agave.

When it comes to pure, isolated inulin in the form of white powder that can be bought in a store, it is usually derived from chicory.

As for the everyday products we reach for, among them, garlic and onions contain the most inulin.

Relatively high amounts of inulin can also be found in the tuber of Jerusalem artichoke, which can be used to make a healthy cream soup or can be used as a substitute for potatoes.

Nevertheless, since we don’t consume these products in large quantities, if we are concerned about regularly supplying this component, it is worthwhile to opt for pure inulin.

Speaking of inulin, I must add that it is a low-calorie ingredient.

It provides nearly three times fewer calories than table sugar.

A fantastic and healthy alternative to sugar!

Interestingly, inulin is characterized by a gentle sweetness, which makes it a natural substitute for sugar for some individuals.

However, I will add that it is less sweet than regular sugar, xylitol, or erythritol.

If, however, we only need a little sweetness, in my opinion, it is an excellent solution, especially considering its wide range of health properties, which I will now discuss in more detail.

Suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

First and foremost, inulin is a great ally for our intestines.

For example, it improves intestinal peristalsis, and studies have clearly shown that it helps prevent chronic constipation. Therefore, if you have problems with regular bowel movements, I believe that incorporating inulin into your diet is a good idea.

I would like to add that to achieve such satisfactory results, it is sufficient to consume inulin in an amount ranging from approximately 3 to 15 grams per day.

Speaking of the intestines, I will also mention that inulin is a natural prebiotic.

By this, I mean that it is a nutrient for the beneficial bacteria residing in our gastrointestinal tract, or, in scientific terms, it has a positive impact on our gut microbiota.

For example, in 2022, a team of international researchers published an extensive scientific study confirming that regular intake of inulin promotes a beneficial increase in the population of bacteria from the Bifidobacterium genus.

In light of this information, if you wish to restore your gut microbiota, for example, after completing antibiotic therapy, it is definitely worthwhile to turn to inulin.

Inulin helps in better absorption of zinc and magnesium

What is particularly remarkable about inulin is that it enhances the absorption of certain mineral components after consumption.

Specifically, delving into the scientific literature, we find information that inulin improves the absorption of magnesium, zinc, copper, and calcium.

By this, I mean a significant increase in bioavailability by several dozen percent.

For example, in one study, the authors observed that the use of proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole, which are medications prescribed for individuals dealing with conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease, contributes to a decrease in magnesium levels in our bodies. This is because these medications disrupt the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract.

Interestingly, the use of inulin has been found to help restore proper absorption and concentration of magnesium in the blood.

The obtained results only confirm that if we are experiencing a deficiency of the mentioned mineral components for some reason, it is worth incorporating inulin into our diet to support their supplementation.

We are talking about amounts in the range of approximately 20 grams of inulin per day.

Certainly, some of you may wonder how inulin enhances the absorption of mineral components.

Well, experts believe that after consuming inulin, when it reaches the large intestine, it undergoes fermentation.

During this process, short-chain fatty acids are produced, which lower the pH in the intestines, increasing the solubility of mineral compounds. As a result, they are more easily transported from the intestines to the bloodstream.

Inulin lowers bloog sugar levels

I also recommend inulin to individuals dealing with carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

I’m referring to people with diabetes, insulin resistance, or those who generally want to lower their blood sugar levels.

In 2019 and 2020, experts published two extensive analyses of scientific studies, based on which they concluded that inulin contributes to lowering fasting blood glucose levels, and the effectiveness of this action is very satisfactory.

The individuals studied experienced a reduction in sugar levels by as much as 10 milligrams per deciliter.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the use of inulin led to a decrease in the value of the HOMA-IR parameter.

In simpler terms, inulin has led to the alleviation of insulin resistance.

Moreover, individuals taking inulin also experienced a reduction in glycosylated hemoglobin, indicating that its beneficial impact on carbohydrate metabolism is long-lasting. Therefore, I emphasize that if you have elevated blood sugar levels, inulin can be a valuable addition to your daily diet.

Speaking of patients with type 2 diabetes, I’ll also mention that in one experiment, researchers observed that the use of 10 grams of inulin per day for 2 months resulted in a beneficial decrease in liver enzymes such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). This indicates that inulin improves liver function in these individuals.

Inulin has a blood pressure lowering effect

I consider inulin to be a valuable dietary component for individuals with elevated triglyceride levels as well. This is because regular consumption of inulin helps lower their concentration.

In a study from 2021, which is being referenced, the authors demonstrated that incorporating inulin into the diet led to a reduction in triglyceride levels by nearly 20 milligrams per deciliter. This indicates that the mentioned inulin is an invaluable support for our cardiovascular system.

I would also add that to achieve noticeable effects within the mentioned range, it is recommended to consume around 10 to 15 grams of inulin daily.

Speaking of cardiovascular benefits, it’s worth mentioning that inulin exhibits some hypotensive effects, meaning it has the ability to lower blood pressure.

For the purpose of this material, I came across a recent study from 2020 that confirmed the use of inulin contributes to a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure in women. Once again, an effective daily amount proved to be between 10 and 15 grams.

Beneficial for Patients with Kidney Failure

Among the health benefits of inulin, I also include its ability to help lower blood uric acid levels in patients with renal insufficiency. This is a highly beneficial effect as elevated uric acid levels can disrupt our metabolic health.

This effect is likely due to the fact that, as I mentioned earlier, inulin promotes the growth of certain beneficial bacteria, which in turn have the ability to break down uric acid.

The Anti-Inflammatory Power of Inulin

Reviewing scientific publications on the properties of inulin, we can also learn that this ingredient exhibits anti-inflammatory effects. In several studies, researchers noted that consuming inulin contributed to a reduction in the levels of pro-inflammatory molecules, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha).

This effect has been observed, among others, in women suffering from type 2 diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

How to consume inulin?

Now that we know that inulin is a highly beneficial and health-promoting ingredient, let me briefly explain how to use it.

As I mentioned earlier, it is best to consume inulin in an amount of approximately 10 to 20 grams per day, which corresponds to 1 or 2 tablespoons of pure powder.

However, it is important to be aware that individuals who do not regularly consume this type of prebiotic substance may experience some gastrointestinal discomfort during the first few days of using inulin. This can manifest as bloating, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, or diarrhea.

However, this is a normal occurrence and usually resolves within about 3 days of starting to use inulin.

To minimize the risk of experiencing these uncomfortable symptoms, I suggest gradually introducing inulin into your diet, starting with smaller doses. For example, you can begin with approximately 1 or 2 grams, which is roughly 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon per day.

After about 3 days, you can increase the amount to 1 teaspoon per day and gradually increase the portions every few days until reaching the recommended 10-20 grams, which is 1 or 2 tablespoons per day.

Of course, you can divide the daily amount of inulin into several servings throughout the day, which is actually recommended.

Which products should I add inulin to?

The question remains: in what form should inulin be consumed?

It is worth noting that inulin does not alter the taste and smell of dishes, except that it may impart a slight sweetness to some when used in larger quantities. Furthermore, it is a water-soluble ingredient.

Due to its easy application, I recommend adding inulin to various beverages, including coffee.
In fact, some of you may have noticed that several grain-based coffees available on the market are enriched with added inulin.

Interestingly, I even came across a study that showed that inulin-enriched coffee increases the feeling of satiety.

Thanks to its appetite-suppressing properties, a beverage prepared in this way can be helpful in maintaining a healthy body weight.

Additionally, similar to inulin, coffee has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism and helps maintain a proper blood glucose level.
Since inulin has a natural sweetness, there is no need to add sugar to such a coffee if you have been using it previously.

There’s nothing stopping you from adding inulin to tea, herbal infusions, vegetable or fruit juice, as well as various types of smoothies.
It can also be used as an additive to fermented dairy products, including plain yogurt and kefir, especially since it enhances the absorption of calcium present in them.

Furthermore, I know that some people also use inulin as an ingredient in soups, sauces, puddings, ice creams, and even oatmeal.

BONUS – Delicious Nut Butter – Free Recipe

I also recommend making homemade nut butter and enriching it with inulin. As we know, nuts are a good source of magnesium and zinc, and inulin enhances the absorption of these minerals in the intestines, allowing our bodies to better utilize the nutrients present in nuts.

Moreover, nuts, similar to inulin, have a beneficial effect on the beneficial bacteria in our intestines and also help lower triglyceride levels in the blood.

To make such nut butter, simply place a handful of your favorite nuts and half or one tablespoon of inulin in a blender and blend until you achieve a smooth consistency.

Possible side effects and who should be doubly careful

As for contraindications to using inulin, there are actually very few. Due to the fact that inulin is a compound that is not digested but is fermented by bacteria in the intestines, it may not be suitable for some individuals with intestinal problems.

Primarily, this refers to people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In such individuals, it may exacerbate certain gastrointestinal symptoms, including the mentioned bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Final words

Without a doubt, inulin has remarkable health benefits when incorporated into our diet.

I’ve tried my best to summarize it’s positive effects, including improved blood sugar control, cardiovascular support, gut health enhancement, weight management aid, liver function support, and its potential benefits for individuals with kidney failure.

Unlock the full potential of inulin for a healthier you and incorporate it into your daily routine ASAP ❤😉

Aluminum presence – A Sensitive Topic

Aluminum, also known as aluminium, is one of the elements that raises a lot of controversy when it comes to its impact on our health. As you will soon find out, it is an omnipresent ingredient with which many of us come into contact on a daily basis. In this article, I will explain how it can harm us and address several other important issues, including the use of aluminum pots, as well as cosmetics and medicines that contain it in their composition.

Is it a naturally existing chemical element?

Many of you can believe that aluminium was invented by humans and is used to store most popular soda drinks and some types of semifinished products.

Here’s some truth “slap”..

🤦‍♀️ You can’t be more wrong…

Somehow of an Introduction 😉

I will start with whether the presence of aluminum in nature is a cause for concern and whether this element poses a real threat to us.

Based on toxicological studies conducted on animals, scientists have determined that the relatively safe amount of aluminum that our body can consume with food without negatively affecting our health is 1 milligram per kilogram of body weight per week.

This is the so-called tolerated weekly intake. I don’t want to argue here with scientists whether such an amount of aluminum is really safe, but even if we assume that it is, various reports published in recent years clearly indicate that some of us are consuming too much aluminum. And that’s a fact, me included.


In the case of some adults, we observe an exceedance of these limits by over 50%, while in the case of children and adolescents, it may be even nearly 150%.

Everyone is Loaded with Aluminium, You Say?

Of course, it’s not the case that every one of us is overloaded with aluminum.

Nevertheless, based on available publications issued by scientific institutions, the daily exposure to aluminum for some people can be so high that it poses a real health threat.

If it is already known that we can actually be exposed to excessive amounts of aluminum, I will briefly explain to you now what specific consequences may be associated with this.

As for the negative impact on the body, first and foremost, I must say that aluminum is a neurotoxin that can cause neurodegenerative changes in the brain.

Without going into details, I will say that I came across an extensive scientific paper from 2016 that showed that people chronically exposed to higher doses of aluminum are up to 71% more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and in some people, the risk is even more than twice as high.

Health hazards associated with exposure to aluminum can also include the weakening of the bones due to high levels of this element.

Due to certain similarities between aluminum and other metals such as calcium or magnesium, this toxic element can to some extent displace valuable mineral components from bones, thereby weakening their structure. Such observations were actually made by scientists in an experiment on animals. They noted that administering water containing aluminum to rats resulted in a decrease in bone mineral density.

Anemia and High Aluminum Exposure

Based on the biochemical processes that occur in our body involving aluminium, it can also be suggested that large amounts of this toxic element contribute to the development of microcytic anemia, in which our red blood cells are abnormally small in size and are unable to perform their functions, including the efficient transport of oxygen to cells.

Without delving into the intricacies of biochemistry, I can say that this is due in part to the fact that aluminum inhibits the formation of heme, which is the component of red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen.

Health threats for some occupational groups

It should be known that aluminum can enter our body through the respiratory system.

This hazard occurs mainly in the case of workers employed in bauxite mining and processing, welding industry workers, as well as among those involved in the production of paints, fuels, and explosives.

These people may develop aluminosis, a lung disease caused by the penetration of aluminum in the form of dust into the respiratory system.

This disease leads to dangerous lung fibrosis.

Symptoms of this disease may include shortness of breath and a dry cough.

Worrying link between antiperspirant use and breast cancer

Speaking of the health effects of absorbing aluminum through various routes, I will briefly mention the opinion that this element is a cause of breast cancer.

This belief arises from two reasons: at the cellular level, aluminum causes certain hormonal effects, such as overproduction of estrogen, the female hormone.

It is known that high levels of estrogen in the body promote the development of breast cancer.

The second issue relates to the use of antiperspirants, which contain aluminum among other ingredients. It happens that breast cancer is located near the armpit, where these types of products are applied.

Moreover, researchers have found many chemical substances from antiperspirants in breast tissue, especially in women with breast cancer. All this suggests that aluminum, even when applied to the skin in the form of the aforementioned products, may increase the risk of this type of cancer.

However, despite these indications, reviewing the results of various studies, including reading expert opinions, one can conclude that aluminum does not contribute to the development of breast cancer. In my opinion, however, this is not so clear-cut.

For example, in recent years, in 2017, an international team of researchers noted a significant association between frequent use of antiperspirants and breast cancer. Specifically, the risk was almost four times higher.

Moreover, the concentration of aluminum in breast tissue in women diagnosed with cancer was about 50% higher. Based on the obtained results, the authors of the experiment wrote in the summary of their work that frequent use of antiperspirants leads to the accumulation of aluminum in breast tissue, and using these products more than once a day may increase the risk of breast cancer.

Personally, I agree with the message that overuse of antiperspirants may pose some health risks. Of course, using them from time to time will not be a threat, but I would not recommend using such products several times a day for a long time, in a span of several years.

Tips for Safer Cooking and Baking

Knowing that aluminum is not neutral for our health and what’s more, that there are legitimate concerns that some of us may be supplying it in too large quantities, creating a real danger for ourselves, I will now explain where this element can enter our body.

According to experts, the main factor exposing us to aluminum is food. However, this problem does not concern raw food, which has not undergone any production processes. Of course, aluminum is present in natural products, but in trace amounts that are insignificant.

The exception in this case is tea leaves and herbs, which can accumulate quite significant amounts of this element, but I will talk about it later in the material.

A bigger problem is the use of various vessels and materials that contain aluminum. The first thing that comes to mind is aluminum pots, from which this element can penetrate into food. And indeed, such a threat exists. However, I will note that this mainly applies to uncoated or pots with a damaged protective coating. If we have pots, for example, with a granite coating, then aluminum penetration does not occur, or it is completely insignificant.

As for the migration of aluminum from kitchenware and other aluminum packaging to food, it should be known that if it occurs, it only or mainly occurs under certain conditions. Namely, aluminum migration is favored by an acidic, highly alkaline, or salty environment, that is, we are talking about, for example, citrus fruits, tomato products, or sauerkraut. Such products, when in contact with an aluminum coating, more easily extract this harmful element from it. Similarly, increased migration of aluminum is caused by increased temperature, i.e., for example, boiling, frying, or baking.

Given this information, if we have low-quality aluminum pots, it is best to replace them with new ones or at least not cook acidic and salty products in them. At the same time, for the sake of the material’s reliability, I must emphasize that the level of aluminum absorption from the digestive tract is low and is below 1%. The vast majority of aluminum consumed is excreted from our body.

Here, I will add that if we want to limit contact with aluminum from all possible sides, when it comes to pots, instead of aluminum ones, we can choose stainless steel ones. With this solution, if someone among you is sensitive to nickel, then we choose stainless steel with the 18/0 marking, which is free of this element’s addition.

I consider aluminum foil and trays to be much worse than aluminum pots, which do not have such a protective coating. Research has shown that the aluminum content in some baked food products in foil can increase even 40 times. However, I must note that if someone uses aluminum foil very sporadically for this purpose, for example, grills a few times in the season, then there is no reason to worry. However, if this foil is used frequently, it is better to change our culinary practices a bit.

Is food stored in aluminium cans safe to consume?

Speaking of materials that come into contact with food, I will briefly mention aluminum cans in which drinks are sold or which are used to produce canned meat, fish or fruit products.

Specifically, the situation here is very similar to that of pots, meaning that these containers are lined on the inside with an appropriate coating that prevents aluminum from being released into the food.

However, it is not a barrier that prevents the release of this harmful element 100%, especially when it comes to salty fish, tomato products, or acidic drinks enclosed in such containers. Nonetheless, if we only occasionally reach for such products, I don’t see any danger here, at least when it comes to aluminum itself, as we are discussing.

A separate issue is that these protective coatings are often made of Bisphenol A, which we have many health safety concerns about, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Nonetheless, I will say that I am not convinced that using a Bisphenol A protective coating is not a case of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire…

Do you like soft drinks or beer?

Drinking excessive amounts of beer in cans may result in overexposure to aluminum, as aluminum cans are lined with a coating that prevents the beer from coming into direct contact with the aluminum.

However, this coating can sometimes wear off or break down, causing small amounts of aluminum to leach into the beer. While this may not be harmful in small amounts, excessive consumption could potentially lead to overexposure to aluminum.

Harmful food additives

When it comes to other sources of aluminum in food products, it’s worth knowing that some food additives used in the food industry also contain this element.

These include additives numbered from E520 to E523, E541, and additives from E554 to E556, which are used as binding agents, acidity regulators, and anti-caking agents, among other things.

Although they are used very rarely and in small amounts, consumers should be aware of their existence and presence in food.

When life gives you lemons, think twice before…

Adding them to your tea! Tea leaves accumulate significant amounts of aluminum.

Meanwhile, the addition of lemon to brewed tea causes citric acid in lemon to combine with aluminum in tea leaves, resulting in the formation of aluminum citrate, which is characterized by better absorbability, meaning more of this component is absorbed in the digestive tract. In addition, lemon lowers the pH of tea, making it easier to leach aluminum from tea leaves into the brew.

Indeed, studies have shown that adding lemon increases the level of aluminum in the infusion by several dozen percent. In essence, it can be assumed that 1 cup of such tea contains about 0.000053 ounces (1.5 milligrams) of aluminum. I remind you that the established safe weekly limit for aluminum is 0.000053 (1 milligram) per kilogram of body weight per week. Thus, for a person weighing 132 pounds (60 kilograms), the permissible aluminum intake is approximately 0.002 ounces per week (approx 60 miligrams), or 0.0003 ounces per day (about 8.5 milligrams) per day.

Assuming that we consume an average of 3 teas per day, we supply 0.00016 ounces (4.5 milligrams) of aluminum, which is about 50% of the established limit. Considering that tea is one of the main sources of aluminum in our diet, it does not seem like a lot. Moreover, the level of aluminum absorption in the digestive tract is very low, and the addition of lemon does not make a significant difference here.

Moreover, studies have directly shown that consuming 2 teas per day, or 16.9 fluid ounces (500 milliliters), does not significantly increase the level of aluminum in the blood. However, if you prefer to be cautious, to limit the potentially unfavorable effect of adding lemon on the increase of well-absorbed aluminum concentration, it is sufficient to brew the tea first, then strain the leaves and only then add the lemon.

Aluminum in heartache treatment drugs. Good or bad?

It is good to be aware that aluminum, also known as alum, is included in some medications. I am specifically referring to antacids used in the treatment of diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, inflammation of the stomach lining, as well as gastric and duodenal ulcers.

These types of medications provide much more aluminum than what is found in kitchen utensils or aluminum foil.

However, it’s interesting to note that the aluminum present in these drugs has certain health benefits. After consuming the medication, the aluminum reacts with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, resulting in the formation of aluminum chloride, which has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as an astringent.

In addition, aluminum compounds also protect the cells of the stomach lining from damage because they enhance the release of protective bicarbonates in the stomach. Furthermore, the aluminum in these drugs is absorbed in trace amounts in the gastrointestinal tract, with over 99% of this component being excreted in the urine.

This shows that this element has certain beneficial uses, but of course, it is not my intention to promote its use.

Are your beauty cosmetics safe to use?

Apart from food and medication, some cosmetics can also be a source of aluminum. Recently, I mentioned antiperspirants and the potential risk associated with breast cancer.

Frequent use of these products can increase the amount of absorbed aluminum, and it’s somewhat similar with sunscreens.

Some products in this category also contain aluminum, although it should be noted that we tend to use sunscreen creams quite rarely and in small amounts, so they actually don’t provide too much of the discussed ingredient.

It is worth mentioning that lipsticks and lip glosses may also contain aluminum.

However, due to the fact that they are used in very small quantities, and no one actually swallows the applied cosmetic as it may happen, for example, with toothpaste, and the absorption through the skin is minimal, such products do not provide a noticeable amount of the discussed ingredient.

Taking these facts into account, it can be said that frequent use of cosmetics containing aluminum may significantly increase our body’s exposure to this toxic element.

Therefore, it is a good practice to choose products that are free of aluminum compounds.

Aluminum in toothpastes

I think that for some of you, it may come as a surprise that aluminum, in the form of, for example, aluminum chloride, is also present in some toothpaste.

Therefore, if you use fluoride toothpaste, it’s better to choose those that contain sodium fluoride instead of aluminum fluoride.

At the same time, I will also add that we can find aluminum in many whitening toothpastes. In these types of products, the source of aluminum is usually aluminum oxide or hydroxide.

Unfortunately, we do not know how much aluminum each toothpaste contains, so it is difficult to assess our exposure to this harmful element.

However, as various studies show, the aluminum content in some of these products can be relatively high, and these products can be a significant source of this element.

Perhaps this raises the question whether fluoride in toothpaste is necessary and safe?


Discussions are still an ongoing thing regarding the level of aluminum that does not pose a threat to us and to what extent this ingredient can actually affect our health.

In my opinion, it is reasonable to try to limit exposure wherever possible by using appropriate cookware with protective coatings, only occasionally using aluminum foil for baking acidic, pickled, and salty foods, not relying primarily on canned foods, choosing cosmetics without the addition of aluminum, or using protective masks and clothing if required by the job position.

I believe that avoiding harmful factors is one of the main elements of preventive health care.

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